Hospital Overview

About Us

Benin Medical Care is a world class healthcare facility in the heart of Benin city, along Adesuwa Grammar School Road. Benin Medical Care was commissioned on the 1st Day of November 2019. The most effective attacks on acute mass poverty consist of access to health and education. It is for this reason, Benin Medical Care was birthed. In Nigeria, access to quality health services has been on the decline since the inception of the economic crisis of 1980s. Primary healthcare centres and urban medical facilities are ill-equipped on average by today's standard; This has lead to wealthy Nigerians opting for medical treatment abroad while the average Nigerian is left to contend with substandard medical services. Benin Medical Care has been established to bridge this gap in healthcare services provision between the wealthy and low-income individuals.

Our Vision

To be the first-choice provider of excellent medical services

Our Mission

To be committed to addressing health challenges of Nigerians through cutting edge technology and patient-centric approaches